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Mycotoxins -- Category List

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites formed by fungi. Diseases, which are caused by an intake of mycotoxins, are called mycotoxicoses.

For humans and animals two kinds of fungi are of most importance concerning the contamination of food and feed. Fusarium species, belonging to the group of field fungi, are generated directly on agricultural crops and the respective mycotoxins e. g. DON, Zearalenone, T-2 Toxin and Fumonisin, predominantly reach the food chain through cereals and cereal products. The other important group of fungi (e.g. Aspergillus- and Penicillium species) is occurring during inadequate storage areas. The corresponding mycotoxins, e.g. Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A, are found in not correctly stored crop products or in food products directly. The Maximum Residue Limits of the EU for some mycotoxins require appropriate analytical methods.

●  Aflatoxin
●  Citrin
●  DON
●  Fumonisin

●  Ochratoxin
●  Patulin
●  T2

●  Zearalenon
